Panels & Workshops

Monday, August 26: 10:00 - 12:00

European Job Market Morning (EEA)
The workshop is open to candidates on the 2024/2025 job market and will cover the following topics

  1. General overview about the stages of the job market & mental health
  2. Info on roles of economists in non-academic placements
  3. How to put your job market package together (including how to write the intro of the JMP, securing good letters of recommendation; things to say and things to avoid on all letters submitted) and whether to prepare a video presentation
  4. Pitching your paper, advice on behaviour, things to say etc., during interviews and fly-outs
  5. Negotiating offers and contracts, what’s negotiable, etc. ... and exploding offers (what they are and how to handle them)

How to Collect Your Own Data: A Primer on Survey Design (organised by EEA Research Commitee)
Organiser: Christopher Rauh

The session will cover how to elicit beliefs, set up a survey, deal with survey companies, and practicalities to keep in mind when collecting primary survey data. The course will discuss in detail how to elicit and analyze beliefs using hypothetical surveys and how to go about the implementation of a randomized information treatment. This session will also discuss trade-offs involved in terms of survey length, complexity of survey questions, and scales to quantify beliefs.


Monday, August 26: 12:30 - 13:30
The Policy Influence of Academic Research: Technology, Climate and Democracy


  • Luis Garicano, Professor of Economics at LSE and former MEP who drafted recent EU climate legislation
  • Tommaso Nannicini, Professor of Economics at Bocconi, former Italian Senator and Undersecretary of State, who drafted labor market reforms in Italy
  • Inge Bernaerts from the European Commission’s DG Comp who drafted the Digital Markets Act

Moderator: Marieke Blom (Board member of the Royal Netherlands Economic Association and chief economist ING)

Monday, August 26: 19.15 - 20:15
Children Before Tenure? How Children Shape the Gender Gap in Academia

Chair: Jose De Sousa

  • Sofie Cairo (Copenhagen Business School and Harvard Business School)
  • Petra Moser (New York University Stern School of Business)
  • Ria Ivandic (University of Zagreb)
  • Anne Sophie Lassen (Copenhagen Business School)

For many in academia, the critical period of obtaining tenure coincides with the time when many plan to start a family. In some respects, the flexibility in the academic work life makes it easier to juggle the work-life balance with children in the household compared to other high skilled occupations. However, children also pose some
unique challenges for young academics: traveling and longer research stays becomes more problematic, and reductions in hours worked may have a disproportionate effect on the likelihood of getting tenure as many must-do tasks – such as teaching – take time away for research, but do not by themselves have a strong impact on getting tenure.

Our four speakers will discuss the unique challenges that children create for young academics: Are men and women equally affected by children? If not, why? Are the effects of children in economics similar to other fields? What should institutions do – and not do – to facilitate continued career progress for young academics with

Tuesday, August 27: 12:45 - 13:45
Fiscal-Monetary Interactions – Lessons from the Recent Experience (session organised by the ECB)
Chair: Leonardo Melosi (University of Warwick)

  • Klaas Knot (President of the Nederlandsche Bank)
  • Agnès Bénassy-Quéré (Deputy Governor of the Banque de France) 
  • Rolf Strauch (Chief Economist at the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) and the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF)).

Both fiscal and monetary policy have undergone large swings in recent times. The Covid-19 pandemic, increased military spending following the Russian invasion of Ukraine and support measures to limit the repercussions of high inflation for households and firms have generated a highly expansionary fiscal policy stance and led to a deterioration of public finances in the euro area. At the same time, monetary policy has changed course from being highly expansionary during the pandemic to a sharp tightening in response to rising inflation, which has increased government borrowing costs. The interplay between fiscal and monetary policy is particularly challenging in the case of the euro area, where fiscal policy is set primarily at the national level and monetary policy is set centrally. All of this has led to renewed interest in the fiscal-monetary interactions, which will be the topic of this policy panel. Speakers will touch upon various issues, such as the effect of fiscal measures on inflation during the recent high-inflation period, the effect of public debt and public investment on r*, the pace of normalisation for monetary and fiscal policy going forward, the reform of the EU fiscal framework and its implications for the optimal mix of fiscal and monetary policy, the effect of the recent increase in the interest-growth differential for fiscal policy, or the conduct of monetary policy under a situation of high government debt. 

Interdisciplinary Research 
Chair: Paula Gobbi (UCLouvain)

  • Joel van der Weele (University of Amsterdam)
  • Hans van Kippersluis (University of Rotterdam)
  • Victor Gay (Toulouse School of Economics)

In this session, we will explore the current state and extent of interdisciplinary work within economics. Then, we will share professional experiences on how and why interdisciplinary approaches are adopted in economic research emphasizing how interdisciplinarity contributes to enhancing our understanding and knowledge in economics. Finally, we will discuss how to design and write compelling interdisciplinary research projects and discuss the criteria and methods used to evaluate interdisciplinary work in economics.

Wednesday, August 28, 12:45 - 13:45
Replication Challenges in Economics and Econometrics

Chair: Olivier Scaillet (UNIGE and SFI)

  • Joan Llull (IAE-CSIC and BSE) Data Editor ES journals
  • Maia Güell (CUNEF and Edinburgh) Data Editor JEEA
  • Victor Gay (TSE)
  • Christophe Pérignon (HEC Paris and CASCAD)
  • Anna Dreber (Stockholm School of Economics)

Economics and Econometrics face major replication challenges. It has been true for a long time, but has been exacerbated by the recent replication policies set up by many academic journals

The panel will attempt to identify those challenges and discuss them in detail. We will debate potential remedies put in place by the research community. We will further address issues related to big data and machine learning, mainly in terms of storage capacities and computing power.

The floor will be open to questions and we will favour vivid exchanges and interactions with the audience.


Thursday, August 29, 12:45 - 13:45
Inequality of Opportunity (session organised by ERASMUS School of Economics and KVS)

Inequality in socioeconomic outcomes is pervasive and persistent. In the past four decades, philosophers have made a distinction between morally acceptable and unacceptable sources of inequality. According to one well-known definition, inequality arising from inequality of opportunity should be considered unacceptable. Policies should therefore compensate individuals with disadvantageous circumstances, so that outcomes experienced by a population depend only on factors for which persons can be considered to be responsible. 

This session offers three flash talks presenting various perspectives on equality of opportunity, followed by a panel discussion about the future of research in this area.

In the first flash talk Niels Rietveld and Hans van Kippersluis will discuss recent advances in the economics and econometrics of gene-environment interplay. Roemer (1993, p. 149) famously argued that “two people are said to have the same circumstances if they share a set of socioeconomic and genetic characteristics”. This talk presents a forward-looking perspective on how environmental factors can amplify or cushion genetic influences on socio-economic inequalities.

Next up, Bastian Ravesteijn will discuss empirical evidence on the relationship between parental income and outcomes such as child income at the age of 35 in the Netherlands. This evidence shows that the rank-rank slope of intergenerational mobility in the Netherlands is among the steepest of all OECD countries for which estimates are available. But at what age and in which domains of human functioning does this gap open up? 

And finally, Anne Gielen will present evidence of how social policy can contribute to equality of opportunity. This talk shows that intergenerational effects from social policy reform affect up to three subsequent generations, and impact a wide range of socio-economic outcomes. As such, these findings highlight the key role government programs can play in shaping outcomes across multiple generations.

In an interactive panel discussion the speakers will engage with the audience on the future of research on equality of opportunity.


Friday, August 30, 09:00 - 15:15 
Hotelling Lectures in Economic Theory (ESEM)
On the Circulation of Elites: Culture, Institutions, and Long-Run Socio-economic Growth
Speaker: Alberto Bisin (New York University)

In these lectures we shall aim at building models of long-run socio-economic growth which are well-founded on the political economy of cultural and institutional evolution. As Vilfredo Pareto’s circulation of the elites, relevant long-run socio-economic outcomes are modeled as the result of the relative political power of different elites jointly evolving over time with their own and civic society’s relevant cultural traits. 

    To this end, we shall first study models of the evolution of culture and of institutions per se. These models shall be then fruitfully embedded in a formal analysis of long-run socio-economic growth, which includes economic growth but also e.g., the dynamics of democratic political participation, of various dimensions of inequality, ethnic fractionalization, and other relevant societal characteristics. 

    These models shall be built with an eye at providing informal and formal guidance and support to the wealth of empirical studies in Historical Economics which identify the causal determinants of long-run socio-economic growth by exploiting the persistence of the cultural traits of elites and civic society as well as the persistence of societal institutional characteristics. 

The titles of the three distinct lectures are the following:

Lecture 1: Cultural dynamics
Lecture 2: Institutional dynamics
Lecture 3: Political economy theories of long-run socio-economic growth

Lunch is included for participants of the Hotelling Lectures

Further info on other sessions to be posted shortly.....