Presenter list

Presenter name
Andreas Fagereng BI Norwegian Business School View sessions
Miguel Fajardo-Steinhäuser London School of Economics View sessions
Lei Fang Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta View sessions
Ximeng Fang University of Oxford View sessions
Antoine Ferey Sciences Po View sessions
Francesco Ferlenga Brown University; IEB View sessions
Bruno Ferman Sao Paulo School of Economics - FGV View sessions
Sofia Fernandez Guerrico University of Konstanz View sessions
Clodomiro Ferreira Banco de España View sessions
Axelle Ferriere PSE, CNRS View sessions
Davide Fiaschi University of Pisa View sessions
Matteo Ficarra View sessions
Torsten Figueiredo Walter NYUAD View sessions
Cristina Figueroa Sisniega CREED, University of Amsterdam View sessions
Simon Finster CREST-ENSAE and Inria View sessions
Raffaele Fiocco University of Bergamo View sessions
Carina Fleischer Goethe University Frankfurt View sessions
Daniela Flörchinger RWI - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research View sessions
Joel Flynn Yale University View sessions
Manuel Foerster Bielefeld University View sessions
Luca Fontanelli University of Brescia View sessions
Alain-Philippe Fortin University of Montreal View sessions
Emanuele Franceschi ECB View sessions
Lavinia Franco Bayes Business School (formerly Cass) View sessions
Maria Frech Toulouse School of Economics View sessions
Gustav Fredriksson ETH Zurich View sessions
Aleksandra Friedl ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich View sessions
Naomi Friedman Sokuler Bar Ilan University View sessions
Melanie Friedrichs Office of Financial Research, U.S. Treasury View sessions
Tilman Fries LMU Munich View sessions
Wolfgang Frimmel Johannes Kepler University Linz View sessions
Maren Froemel Bank of England View sessions
Takako Fujiwara-Greve Keio University View sessions
Franziska Funke Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research & Technical University Berlin View sessions