
Jonathan Benchimol

Bank of Israel

I am a research economist at the Bank of Israel, Research Department. I’m co-organizing the Virtual Israel Macro Meeting (VIMM), more info at

I was a visiting postdoctoral scholar at Harvard University, Department of Economics, and a research associate at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. I am also a research associate at Henan University and Queen’s University.

My research interests are in macroeconomics and monetary economics, financial economics, and econometrics.

Antonio Cabrales

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Olivier Denagiscarde

Paris Panthéon-Sorbonne University

I am a Ph.D. Candidate at CES - Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. I hold an M.Sc. from Toulouse School of Economics.

My work is in the fields of urban, real estate and financial economics.

Robin Döttling

Erasmus University Rotterdam

Robert Dur

Erasmus School of Economics

Robert Dur is a Professor of Economics at Erasmus University Rotterdam and President of the Royal Dutch Economic Association.

Kaiqi Liu

Maastricht University

I am a PhD candidate in Economics at Maastricht University, Department of Microeconomics and Public Economics. My research areas include the economics of higher education, with a focus on competition among public, private non-profit, and private for-profit universities. I explore issues related to university ranking, student enrollment, and the impact of policy changes on the higher education market.

Dominik Menno

Deutsche Bundesbank

Dominik Menno is an Economist in the Financial Stability Division of the Deutsche Bundesbank. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the European University Institute and his research interests are Quantitative Macroeconomics, Financial Frictions and the Macroeconomy, Financial Stability and Macroprudential Policy, and International Macroeconomics. Prior to the Deutsche Bundesbank he worked at BaFin in banking supervision and was Assistant Professor at Aarhus University. He held post-doc positions at RWTH Aachen, University of Mannheim, and University of Michigan.

Mrdjan Mladjan

EBS Business School

I strive to acquire, create, share, and apply knowledge about markets and people in them.

I received my PhD in Economics, Finance, and Management from Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, and BSc in Economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. I am a Senior Lecturer of Financial Economics at the EBS Business School in Wiesbaden.

I research and teach in the areas of corporate finance and valuation, economics of financial crises, and interactions between economic and financial system and society.

Edoardo Rainone

Bank of Italy

Christopher Rauh

University of Cambridge

I am Professor of Economics and Data Science at the University of Cambridge. I am also a Fellow of Trinity College Cambridge, and a Research Affiliate at CEPR, HCEO, IZA, and PRIO. I am PI at and EconAI, and have conducted multiple projects with the FCDO, German Foreign Office, and IMF. My fields are Political Economy, Labor Economics, Data Science, Conflict, Natural Language Processing, and Machine Learning.

Costanza Tomaselli

Imperial College Business School

I am a PhD candidate in Economics at Imperial College in the Economics department. My research focuses on environmental and energy economics, climate finance, industrial organisation and labour economics.

I hold a MRes with Distinction from Imperial College, a MSc from the LSE and a BSc from Bocconi university in Economics. Prior to joining Imperial Business School I was a UK civil service economist, having worked for a variety of departments including the UK Finance ministry (HM Treasury).

Marta Zava

Bocconi University and Goethe University

On the job market! I apply Complexity & Network Science to Venture Capital data. I also work on banking and capital markets, artificial intelligence and natural language processing. I’m PhD candidate at GSEFM (Goethe, Frankfurt, Germany) and contract researcher and professor at Bocconi (Milan, Italy). Read my new book:“The Science of Influencers and Superspreaders
Using Networks and AI to Understand Fake News, Pandemics, Markets, and the Brain” (Makse & Zava, Springer Nature)