
Etienne Bacher


Teresa Bago d'Uva

Erasmus School of Economics

Anna Baiardi

Erasmus University Rotterdam

Aurelien Baillon

Emlyon Business School

Matěj Bajgar

Charles University / CERGE-EI

Cynthia Mei Balloch


Renjie Bao

Princeton University

Javier Barbero

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Lecturer in Economics at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Alexander Bareis

University of Siegen

I am a PhD student in Economics at the University of Siegen.

My main research area is the empirical analysis of Chinese development finance. In my research, I use various empirical methods and large data sets to conduct a spatial, highly granular analysis of the impact and consequences in recipient countries.

Aaron Barkley

University of Melbourne

Aaron Barkley is Senior Lecturer (Assistant Professor) at the University of Melbourne. His primary research interest is the empirical evaluation of mechanism design.

Geoffrey Barrows

Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS

Maren Bartels

University of Lucerne

Andreas Barth

Goethe University / Saarland University

Louiza A. Bartzoka

Copenhagen Business School

Deepal Basak

indiana university, kelley school of business

Mareen Bastiaans

Erasmus University Rotterdam

Deepankar Basu

University of Massachusetts Amherst

Gerrit Bauch

Center for Mathematical Economics, Bielefely University

Matias Bayas-Erazo

University of Zurich

Brian Beach

Vanderbilt University

Lieke Beekers

Tilburg University

Marco Bellifemine

London School of Economics

Dan Ben Moshe

Ben Gurion University

Agnès Bénassy-Quéré

Banque de France

Luca Benati

University of Bern

Jonathan Benchimol

Bank of Israel

I am a research economist at the Bank of Israel, Research Department. I’m co-organizing the Virtual Israel Macro Meeting (VIMM), more info at

I was a visiting postdoctoral scholar at Harvard University, Department of Economics, and a research associate at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. I am also a research associate at Henan University and Queen’s University.

My research interests are in macroeconomics and monetary economics, financial economics, and econometrics.

Elia Benveniste

Universitat Pompeu Fabra

I am a fifth-year PhD candidate at Universtitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, under the supervision of Albrecht Glitz and Gianmarco León-Ciliotta.
I work on labor and personnel economics, studying how firm organization, labor market institutions and market frictions affect labor market outcomes. In my research, I use large administrative datasets and georeferenced data.

Lara Berger

University of Cologne

I’m a PhD Candidate in Economics at the University of Cologne. In my research I use various empirical methods and large datasets to tackle questions in the fields of political economy and applied microeconomics. My primary focus is the digitization of the news industry.

Ondine Berland

INRAE - Paris-Saclay University

I am a PhD candidate in economics at Paris-Saclay Applied Economics (INRAE, AgroParisTech, University Paris-Saclay). My research interests are at the crossroads of public economics, food studies, and environmental economics.

Inge Bernaerts

European Commission

Rafael Berriel


Clémence Berson

European Central Bank

Senior economist at the ECB, I work mainly on labour market topics (wages, flows, contracts, discrimination).

Marinho Bertanha

University of Notre Dame

Wei Bi

European University Institute

Barbara Biasi

Yale University

Christian Biener

University of St.Gallen

Christian Biener is an Associate Professor of Behavioral Risk Management at the University of St.Gallen (HSG), and Director at the Institute of Insurance Economics (I.VW-HSG).

Maria Bigoni

Department of Economics, University of Bologna

Francesco Bilotta

Bocconi University

I am a third-year Ph.D. student in Economics at Bocconi University, Milan, advised by Prof. Nicola Pavoni and Prof. Massimo Morelli.
Currently, my main research interest is in models of bounded rationality and unawareness. In particular, I am working on narratives in political economics and on economic implications of imperfect metacognition.

Carlo Birkholz

ZEW Mannheim

Michele Bisceglia

Toulouse School of Economics

Alberto Bisin

New York University

Maximilian Blesch

HU/DIW Berlin

Marianna Blix Grimaldi

Sveriges Riksbank

Juanita Bloomfield

Universidad de Montevideo

Benjamin Blumenthal

ETH Zürich

Lukas Boehnert

University of Oxford

Lukas Boer


Michael Böhm

TU Dortmund University

Steve Bond

University of Oxford

Timothy Bond

Purdue University

Massimiliano Bondatti

Nova SBE

Tommaso Bondi

Cornell University

Boris Ivanov

Institute for Employment Research (IAB)

I am Boris, a post-doc at the migration department of the IAB in Nuremberg and a junior research associate of the labor markets department at ZEW Mannheim.
My research interests lie in the field of applied labor economicsand I am generally interested in applied micro (and I have a sincere love for administrative data ;).
Beyond these topics, I am always happy to discuss research of any kind!

Temulun Borjigen

DIW Berlin / University of Copenhagen

Peter Bossaerts

University of Cambridge

Leverhulme International Professor of Neuroeconomics in the Faculty of Economics at Cambridge. Formerly at Caltech (1990-2013), also U Utah, U Melbourne, EPFL and Tilburg U.

Peter Boswijk

University of Amsterdam

Vinícius Botelho


I am a PhD Candidate in Economics at Insper (Brazil). My research focuses on public economics, economic development, and industrial organization, particularly on how firms and individuals respond to policy changes and how these responses affect welfare. I completed my MA in Economics from PUC-Rio (Brazil) in 2013 and my BS in Economics from Insper in 2010.

Elias Bouacida

University Paris 8

Camille Boudot-Reddy

Birkbeck, University of London

I am a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Economics at Birkbeck, University of London. My work so far has leveraged both experimental and quasi-experimental methods with newly-assembled datasets to better understand constraints to local economic development and its consequences on the political economy.

Tomáš Boukal

Charles University

I specialize in the tax behavior of multinationals, bridging public economics and economic geography. My research centers on corporate taxation, profit shifting, and global financial and tax reforms. Currently, I am analyzing the potential corporate tax revenue gains from the implementation of minimum effective tax rate under the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting.

Thomas Bourany

University of Chicago

Matthieu Bouvard

Toulouse School of Economics and Toulouse School of Management

Frederique Bouwman

Maastricht University

Federica Braccioli

Vienna University of Economics and Business

Raphael Brade

ifo Institute and LMU Munich

Richard Bräuer

Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH)

My research focus is on the drivers of firm innovation and its long term productivity effect. I use microeconometrics to study the firm’s innovation decision and general equilibrium models to understand its macroeconomic impact. I am honored to be part of the research project „Long Term Effects of Privatization in Eastern Germany“, founded through the Max-Planck Research Award 2019 to Ufuk Akcigit.

Giulia Briselli

ESCP Business School

J Michelle Brock

EBRD and Imperial College London

Tobias Broer

Paris School of Economics

Marion Brouard


Enzo Brox

University of Bern

Christophe Bruneel

KU Leuven

Zelda Brutti

European Commission, Joint Research Centre

Zelda Brutti is a researcher at the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) since 2023. Her expertise lies in policy impact evaluation across various sectors, including agricultural and environmental topics, education, and gender. Zelda spent her doctoral training at the EUI and the LSE. Before joining the Commission, Zelda was a researcher and lecturer in Economics at the universities of Barcelona, Pompeu Fabra, Bolzano-Bozen and ESADE.

Svetlana Bryzgalova

London Business School

Marcus Buckmann

Bank of England

Žymantas Budrys

Bank of Lithuania, Vilnius University

Berno Buechel

U Fribourg (Switzerland)

Mathias Buehler

LMU Munich

I am an assistant professor the Department of Economics Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich.

My research focuses on the political economy of less-developed countries using modern and historical data. I have worked on the assigning of property rights in the United States, ethnic partitioning in Africa, the political legacy of mass killings in Cambodia and the impact of school reforms in Cambodia.

I work with historical and high resolution spatial data, some digitized for the first time.

Stefan Buehler

University of St. Gallen

Jesús Bueren

European University Institute