
Andrew Chesher

University College London

Terry Cheung

Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica

Livia Chitu

European Central Bank

I am a Senior Economist in the Monetary Policy Directorate of the European Central Bank. I hold a PhD in economics from Paris School of Economics-Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne.

My research interests are mainly in international finance and monetary economics, with an emphasis on the international monetary and financial system. I am a co-author of How Global Currencies Work (Princeton University Press) with Barry Eichengreen and Arnaud Mehl.

Mayur Choudhary

London Business School

Costanza Cincotta

Norwegian School of Economics (NHH)

​I am a Ph.D. candidate in Business Economics at the Norwegian School of Economics and an Affiliate Research Scholar at Georgetown University McDonough School of Business in 2024.

My research focuses on applied microeconomics. I am particularly interested in Environmental and Energy Economics, Competition Economics, Government Subsidies and Politics.

Gwen-Jiro Clochard

Institute of Social and Economic Research - Osaka University

Federica Coelli

University of Zurich & EBRD

Nuno Coimbra

Banque de France

Eve Colson-Sihra

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Daniele Condorelli

University of Warwick

Marta Cota

Nova SBE

My research interests lie between Macroeconomics and Household Finance. I develop structural models encompassing individual expectation heterogeneity and heterogeneity in search frictions. My focus is on long-term saving and investment instruments in Household Finance.

Adrien Couturier


Alvaro Cox

Yale University/University of Oslo

Researcher - University of Oslo, 2024-25
Assistant Professor - Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), 2025-

Marco Cozzi

University of Victoria

Adriana Cristoiu

European Research Council (ERC)

Coordinator of the SH1 Panels (economics, finance, management) for Starting, Consolidator and Advanced Grant Calls.

The ERC, set up by the European Union in 2007, is the premier European funding organisation for excellent frontier research. It funds creative researchers of any nationality and age, to run projects based across European Member States or Associated Countries.

Cédric Crofils

Université Paris Dauphine PSL & AMSE

Wei Cui

UCL and Univ of Groningen

Ana P. Cusolito

World Bank

Natalia D'Agosti

University of Edinburgh

Daniel Da Mata

Sao Paulo School of Economics - FGV

Harald Dale-Olsen

Institute for Social Research, Norway

Ami Dalloul

Leibniz University Hannover

Patricio S. Dalton

Tilburg University

I am Associate Professor of Economics at Tilburg University. My research lies in the intersection between poverty and psychology. I develop theoretical models and design/implement lab and field experiments.

Saman Darougheh

Danmarks Nationalbank

Simon Dato

EBS Business School

Bipasa Datta

University of York

Laurence Daures

ESSEC Business School

Thomas Davoine

University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland (EHL, HES-SO),

Prabal De

CUNY City College

Bruno De Backer

National Bank of Belgium

Bruno heads the Monetary Policy Unit in the NBB’s Economics and Research Department. A specialist in monetary policy, financial markets and financial stability, he has more than a decade of experience at the Banque centrale du Luxembourg, the European Central Bank and the National Bank of Belgium. Bruno holds a research master’s degree in econometrics from UCLouvain and an MSc in finance and economics from the London School of Economics and Political Science. He is a visiting lecturer at EDHEC Business School in Lille (France), and at HEC Liège (Belgium). He is also a guest lecturer at UCLouvain (Belgium).

Clément De Chaisemartin

Sciences Po

Willem De Cort

KU Leuven

I am a PhD student based in KU Leuven working mostly on Education Economics. My topics of expertise are teacher supply and tutoring. I work mostly with choice experiments and randomized controlled trials, with some newer work using administrative data.

Lorenzo De Masi

Universidad Carlos III Madrid

Áureo de Paula

University College London

Aureo de Paula is Professor of Economics at University College London (UCL) and is affiliated with Cemmap (UK), the IFS (UK), CEPR and several other research groups worldwide. Aureo is an elected Fellow of the Econometric Society and the International Association for Applied Econometrics. He was a managing editor for The Review of Economics Studies and is co-editor at the Journal of Econometrics.

Ramon de Punder

University of Amsterdam

Jose De Sousa

University of Paris Panthéon-Assas

José De Sousa is a Professor of Economics at the University of Paris Panthéon-Assas and an Associate Researcher at Sciences Po ((LIEPP).

Emmanuel De Veirman

De Nederlandsche Bank

I am a macroeconomist, working on inflation and price setting, and on topics including macroprudential policy and firm-level uncertainty. I hold a Ph.D. in economics from the Johns Hopkins University. I am a senior economist in the research department of De Nederlandsche Bank. Short-term assignments include the research departments of the European Central Bank, the Bundesbank, and the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, as well as the Japan Desk of the International Monetary Fund.

Mahaut de Villeneuve Bargemon

Cergy Paris University & ESSEC

Elisa de Weerd

Erasmus University Rotterdam & Tinbergen Institute

Shubhdeep Deb

Tilburg University

Stephane Dees

Banque de France

Francesco Del Prato

Paris School of Economics

Mehmet Tayyip Demir

Nazarbayev University

Timothée Demont


Olivier Denagiscarde

Paris Panthéon-Sorbonne University

I am a Ph.D. Candidate at CES - Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. I hold an M.Sc. from Toulouse School of Economics.

My work is in the fields of urban, real estate and financial economics.

Piotr Denderski

University of Leicester

Thomas Dengler

Deutsche Bundesbank

Markus Dertwinkel-Kalt

University of Münster

Sam Desiere

Ghent University

Irene Di Marzio

Bank of Italy

Federico Di Pace

Bank of England

Rita Dias Pereira

Nova School of Business and Economics

Paul Diegert

Toulouse School of Economics

Konrad Dierks

Toulouse School of Economics

I am a PhD student at Toulouse School of Economics. I am doing research on both electricity markets (intermittent renewables with storage) and political economy (turnout with semi-Kantian preferences).

Eoin Dignam

London School of Economics

Francesc Dilme

University of Bonn

Pietro Dindo

Ca' Foscari University of Venice

Sitong Ding

London School of Economics

I am a Ph.D. Candidate in Economics at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) affiliated with the Centre for Macroeconomics, and an Academic Visitor at the Bank of England. My research interests lie at the intersection amongst monetary economics, macroeconomics and derivative markets.

Jonathan Dingel

University of Chicago Booth School of Business

I am an Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. My research agenda focuses on the spatial distribution of economic activities across neighborhoods, cities, and countries. I try to understand the substantial variation in the amount and nature of economic activity across space.

Jose Angelo Divino

Catholic University of Brasilia

I am Professor and Director of the Graduate Program of Economics at the Catholic University of Brasilia, Brazil. I hold a Ph.D. in Economics from the Boston University and “Livre-Docencia” from the University of São Paulo. I am also Senior Research Fellow of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), Consultant and Project Coordinator of the University of Illinois at Chicago, and Editor. My research areas are monetary policy, macroeconomics, applied econometrics.

Michael Dobrew

European Central Bank

Marina Dodlova

University of Münster, CESifo

Dr. Marina Dodlova is Akademishe Rätin a.Z. (similar to Assistant Professor) at the Chair of Political Economy at the University of Münster. She is also a CESifo Research Affiliate and a member of the Standing Field Committee on Development Economics of the German Economic Association. Marina obtained her PhD in Economics from University Paris Ouest Nanterre and then was teaching and research fellow at University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, the German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA Hamburg) and the University of Passau.

Tomas Dominguez-Iino

University of Chicago

Kate Donahue

Cornell University

Ding Dong

Hong Kong Baptist University

Simon Donker van Heel

Erasmus University Rotterdam

I am a PhD candidate in Econometrics at Erasmus University Rotterdam, working under the supervision of Dick van Dijk and Rutger-Jan Lange. My research focuses on the development and analysis of time series models, with a particular emphasis on (score-driven) filtering methods. This work is mostly theoretical, intersecting with areas such as stochastic optimisation and gradient-based machine learning.

Robin Döttling

Erasmus University Rotterdam

Anna Dreber

Stockholm School of Economics

Christoph Drobner

Technical University Munich

I am a PhD student in Economics at the Technical University Munich.

My main research interest lies in the field of behavioral and experimental economics with a focus on the interaction of preferences and beliefs in the decision-making process.

Bénédicte Droz

University of Fribourg

Gabrielle du Marais

Universite Paris 2 Panthéon Assas, Grantham Research Institute London School of Economics

I am a PhD candidate at Université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas, currently visiting the London School of Economics and the Grantham Research Institute for a year. I will be joining the Potsdam Institute for Climate Research and the TU Berlin in September 2024.

My research focuses on new climate policy tools at the intersection of Environmental Economics, Public Economics, and Finance.

Before my PhD, I worked in sustainable finance and the public sector.

Paul Duetting

Google Research

Erwan Dujeancourt

SOFI, Stockholm University

I am a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI) at Stockholm University. Moreover, I am a research affiliate at the Centre for Family Entrepreneurship and Ownership (CeFEO), Centre for Entrepreneurship and Spatial Economics (CEnSE), and at the LGBTI+ Employment and Well-Being Committee funded by Horizon Europe. I am an applied microeconomist with interests in wealth, labor income, entrepreneurship, and LGBTQ economics using big data.

Previously, after attending Paris-Saclay (France), Ca’ Foscari (Italy), and Georgia State (the US) universities, I completed a triple Bachelor's degree in International Economics and German, English literature and civilization, and Management. I subsequently obtained a double Master's degree in International Economics and Business with honors from Groningen (the Netherlands) and Fudan (China) universities. Simultaneously, I held lecturer and teaching assistant positions at the College of Charleston (the US), Groningen, and Paris-Saclay universities. I was also a research assistant for a universal vaccination coverage project at the International Center for Public Policy for the World Bank. My past work includes estimating the Gender Wealth Gap in Sweden with the think tank Ownershift. Then, I was a visiting researcher at Vanderbilt University. I obtained my Ph.D. at Jönköping International Business School.

Daniel Duque

Norwegian School of Economics

PhD candidate at the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH), affiliated with FAIR. Core research interests lie in labour and public economics, with focus on education.

Robert Dur

Erasmus School of Economics

Robert Dur is a Professor of Economics at Erasmus University Rotterdam and President of the Royal Dutch Economic Association.

Holly Dykstra

University of Konstanz

I am an Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Konstanz. I'm a behavioral economist who studies how individuals make policy-relevant decisions, especially in household finance and for intertemporal choices.

Fabian Eckert

University of California, San Diego

Peter Egger

ETH Zurich