
Tobias Eibinger

University of Graz

My research focuses on empirical environmental economics, particularly the effect of transport policies on emission reductions. Methodologically, I specialize in econometrics with an emphasis on time-series analysis, marco-panels, and causal difference-in-differences designs. My work also involves spatial data analysis to examine the socio-economic impacts of economic activities. Recently, I have been working with register data to study gendered commuting behavior and related spatial aspects.

Ran Eilat

Ben-Gurion University

Thomas Eisfeld


I am a final-year PhD Candidate at CORE/LIDAM, UCLouvain, and ECARES, ULB.

My research interests include Industrial Organization and Behavioral Economics, focusing on issues of the digital economy. I employ a combination of theoretical and experimental tools in my research.

Kenza Elass

Bocconi University - Axa Gender Lab

Leonardo Elias

Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Logan Emery

Erasmus University Rotterdam

Erik Engberg

Örebro University

I am a PhD candidate at Örebro University, and the Ratio Institute, Sweden. My primary research interest is the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the labour market. Other interests include political economy, innovation policy, and policy evaluation.



Onur Eryilmaz

ETH Zurich

Ilya Eryzhenskiy


Aurélien Espic

Banque de France and Aix-Marseille School of Economics

Jana Eßer

RWI – Leibniz Institute for Economic Research

Teresa Esteban-Casanelles

King's College London

Fernanda Estevan

Sao Paulo School of Economics - FGV

Florian Exler

University of Vienna

Natalia Fabra


Andreas Fagereng

BI Norwegian Business School

Miguel Fajardo-Steinhäuser

London School of Economics

Lei Fang

Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Ximeng Fang

University of Oxford

Antoine Ferey

Sciences Po

Francesco Ferlenga

Brown University; IEB

Bruno Ferman

Sao Paulo School of Economics - FGV

Sofia Fernandez Guerrico

University of Konstanz

I am an Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Konstanz. I am also a Research Affiliate of the IZA Institute of Labor Economics.

I work on topics related to Labor Economics and Health Economics.

Session: "Mental Health" on Thursday 28.8 at 11am

Clodomiro Ferreira

Banco de España

Im a Research Economist at the Bank of Spain, Monetary Policy Strategy Unit.
Im quite eclectic about methods and topics. Broadly interested on household and firm heterogeneity, monetary policy, expectation formation, housing and computational methods.

Born and raised in Patagonia (Argentina), I used to be a ski instructor and fly-fishing guide.

I'm organizing a session called "Expectation Formation, Narratives, and Policy: Recent Developments on Theory and Evidence"
When and where: *Tuesday 27th, 9am. Zaal Leuven (M1-08)* room

Axelle Ferriere


Davide Fiaschi

University of Pisa

Matteo Ficarra

I am a PhD Candidate in International Economics at the Geneva Graduate Institute and a Research Fellow at the Centre for International Environmental Studies.

My research interests lie at the intersection between macroeconomics, environmental economics and fiscal policy.

I have held research positions at IGIER, the European Investment Bank, and the Bank of England.

Torsten Figueiredo Walter


Cristina Figueroa Sisniega

CREED, University of Amsterdam

Simon Finster


Raffaele Fiocco

University of Bergamo

Carina Fleischer

Goethe University Frankfurt

Daniela Flörchinger

RWI - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research

Research interests: behavioral economics, environmental economics

Joel Flynn

Yale University

Manuel Foerster

Bielefeld University

I am an Assistant Professor at the Center for Mathematical Economics at Bielefeld University. I obtained my Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Paris 1 and the University of Louvain.

My research interests are in applied microeconomic theory and game theory, in particular information economics, social and economic networks, industrial organization, and political economy.

Luca Fontanelli

University of Brescia

Hi! I am a postdoctoral researcher in Economics at the University of Brescia. The main focus of my research relates to firm and industry dynamics, digitalisation and climate change. I predominantly work with theoretical models of firm dynamics and firm-level micro-data.

Alain-Philippe Fortin

University of Montreal

Emanuele Franceschi


I am currently a Graduate Program Participant at the European Central Bank, DG Research. In 2021 I received my PhD from the Paris School of Economics and Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University.

My research interests are mainly in financial stabilty, macro finance, monetary policy, macroeconometrics.

I am also interested in coding for different purposes in academic research, for econometrics, simulations, and data scraping, collection, harmonisation, and maintenance from unconventional sources.

Lavinia Franco

Bayes Business School (formerly Cass)

Maria Frech

Toulouse School of Economics

Gustav Fredriksson

ETH Zurich

I am a PhD candidate in environmental economics at ETH Zurich. My research interests relate to the distributional and labor market effects of climate policy. I use general equilibrium modelling, integrated assessment modelling, and empirical techniques to study the impact of climate policy on unemployment and jobs, the distributional effects of climate policy, and the public acceptability of carbon pricing policies. I hold a MSc in economics from the Stockholm School of Economics.

Aleksandra Friedl

ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich

Naomi Friedman Sokuler

Bar Ilan University

My research is in the fields of Labor Economics and Economics of Education with a particular interest in inequality along the lines of gender, class, immigration and ethnicity and their intersections. My research aims to connect data analysis with the context of people's lives to help inform and design public policy.

Melanie Friedrichs

Office of Financial Research, U.S. Treasury

Melanie Friedrichs joined the Office of Financial Research in 2024. Her primary areas of research are macrofinance, monetary policy, and credit cycles. Her research focuses on the implications of financial frictions and portfolio choice for output and inflation. She has served as a staff economist for macro at the Council of Economic Advisers and worked on international financial stability at the Federal Reserve Board. She holds a doctorate in economics from the NYU Stern School of Business.

Tilman Fries

LMU Munich

I am a microeconomist, with a focus on behavioral and experimental economics. My current research focuses on how belief-based utility and narratives impact strategic decision-making and belief formation.

Wolfgang Frimmel

Johannes Kepler University Linz

Maren Froemel

Bank of England

Takako Fujiwara-Greve

Keio University

Franziska Funke

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research & Technical University Berlin

Bathusi Gabanatlhong

Charles University

Christophe Gaillac

University of Oxford and Nuffield College

Jordi Galí


Katia Gallegos Torres

IAB Nuremberg

Bernhard Ganglmair

University of Mannheim & ZEW

Bernhard Ganglmair is an associate professor at the University of Mannheim and a research economist at ZEW Mannheim. He is on the board of MaCCI and holds memberships in the steering group of the Competition Law and Economics European Network (CLEEN) and the UK Innovation Research Caucus. Bernhard's research covers a variety of topics related to technology standardization, patents, trade secrets, contracts, economic analysis of law, and competition economics.

Konstantin Gantert

Tilburg University

I am a Visiting Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics at Tilburg University. I hold a PhD in Economics (2022) from Leipzig University.

My research interest is macroeconomics, in particular:
1. Monetary and fiscal economics
2. Search-and-matching theory
3. Household time allocation
4. Cyclical productivity and capacity utilization

Wenzheng Gao

Nankai University

Zhan Gao

University of Southern California

I am a Ph.D. candidate in Economics at University of Southern California. My research interests lie in both econometric theory and applied econometrics. I specialize in high-dimensional methods in time series and panel data models. I also have broad interests and have done works in empirical asset pricing, labor/personnel economics, economics of digital platforms, AI, and interdisciplinary research joint with the biostatistics and communications communities.

Daniel Garcés-Díaz

Banco de México

Pilar Garcia-Gomez

Erasmus School of Economics

Malin Gardberg

Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN)

Luis Garicano

London School of Economics

Cesar Garro-Marin

University of Edinburgh

Manon Garrouste

University of Lille

I am an Associate Professor at the University of Lille and will soon be joining the University of Paris-Saclay as a Full Professor.

My research interests include applied microeconometrics, economics of education and urban economics.

Viola Garstenauer

TU Wien

I am a PhD candidate at TU Wien.
My research interests are macroeconomics, family, inequality, and taxation.

Francesco Saverio Gaudio

Sapienza University of Rome

I am a Postdoctoral Researcher at Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Economics and Law.

Previously, I was a postdoctoral researcher at Aix-Marseille School of Economics. I hold a PhD in Finance and Econometrics from Warwick Business School.

My research focuses on the interactions between business cycle fluctuations, asset prices and heterogeneity in households' financial portfolios.

Jean-François Gauthier

HEC Montréal

Evelina Gavrilova

NHH Norwegian School of Economics

Victor Gay

Toulouse School of Economics

Erqi Ge

Lingnan College, Sun Yat-sen University

Esther Gehrke

Wageningen University

Esther Gehrke is an applied microeconomist with interests in education, development, and agriculture. She is Assistant Professor in the Section Economics (Agricultural Economics and Rural Policy) at Wageningen University. She holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Passau, and has previously worked as postdoctoral researcher at the University of California, Berkeley, the University of Goettingen (Germany), and as research fellow at the German Development Institute.

Theresa Geißler

IAAEU/ Trier University

I'm a senior PhD student at the Institute of Labour Law and Industrial Relations in the European Union (IAAEU) and the Chair of Personnel Economics at Trier University.

My research interest lies in applied microeconomics, focusing on the interplay of education and labour economics.

Dimitris Georgarakos

European Central Bank

Georgios (Yorgos) Gerasimou

University of Glasgow

Leonie Gerhards

King's College London

Andrea Ghisletta

University of Basel

Matias Giaccobasso

VATT Institute for Economic Research

Domenico Giannone

International Monetary Fund

Domenico Giannone is an Assistant Director at the International Monetary Fund and an Affiliate Professor at the University of Washington. His general research fields are macroeconometrics, forecasting, monetary policy, and business cycles. Before joining the IMF, he was Senior Principal Economist at, Assistant Vice President at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Professor of Economics at the Université libre de Bruxelles, and Economist at the European Central Bank.

Matan Gibson

Tel Aviv University

A PhD candidate interested in Corporate Governance and Microeconomic Theory

Marek Giebel

Copenhagen Business School