
Antonio Cabrales

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Matteo Cacciatore

HEC Montreal

Sofie Cairo

Copenhagen Business School

Cairo is a postdoc at Copenhagen Business School. She studies science and innovation, including scientific output, impact, funding and careers vis-à-vis parenthood and diversity e.g. gender, race, SES, and personal health shocks. She also studies gender gaps in promotions, leadership and persistence in science and the general labor market. Her methods are applied micro and field experiments. She runs experiments with public agencies, large firms and private science funders in Denmark.

Cem Cakmakli

Durham University

Emilio Calvano

LUISS University

Carmen Camacho

Paris School of Economics and CNRS

Riccardo Camboni

University of Padova

Alistair Cameron


Pietro Campa

University of Geneva

As an applied microeconomist, my research focus is on the intergenerational transmission of inequalities. I have a specific interest in the consequences of sorting across different neighborhoods and schools and the role of early interactions in determining access to opportunities through educational outcomes and social network on the labor market.

Yaming Cao

ZEW Mannheim

I am a Postdoctoral Researcher in the labor market and social insurance Unit.

Caraiani Petre

Bucharest University of Economic Studies

Olivier Cardi

Lancaster University Management School

Daniel Carvajal

Aalto University

André Casalis

National Bank of Slovakia

André is a Senior Economist in the Macroeconomic Analysis Section of the Economic and Monetary analysis Department of the National Bank of Slovakia. A graduate from the University of Turin, he was awarded a PhD in Economics from the University of York. His main fields of research interests are applied macroeconomics, monetary economics, and consumption dynamics.

Annalí Casanueva

ifo Institute

Elena Castellaro

University of Amsterdam

I am currently pursuing a PhD at the University of Amsterdam, with a focus on labour economics, education, and health.

Madalen Castells-Jauregui

European Central Bank (ECB)

Tiago Cavalcanti

University of Cambridge and Sao Paulo School of Economics

Paolo Cavallino

Bank for International Settlements

Aida Cehajic

Technical University of Munich

I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Chair of Financial Management and Capital Markets at Technical University of Munich in Germany. My research focuses on financial intermediation, particularly in the areas of bank regulation and financial stability, firm access to bank funding, and more recently, the assessment of climate and biodiversity risks in the bank lending process.

Kaan Celebi

University of Technology Chemnitz (Germany)

Nicolas Cerkez

University College London

Bidisha Chakrabarty

Saint Louis University

Yee Wah Lisa Chan

Monash University

Somdeep Chatterjee

Indian Institute of Management Calcutta

I am an Assistant Professor in the Economics group at the Indian Institute of Management Calcutta. I have worked as an Assistant Professor in the at the IIM Lucknow . I have also held faculty positions at the University of Manchester as well as FLAME University. I completed my PhD in Economics from the University of Houston, USA. I am a Non-Resident Fellow at the Centre for Development Economics and Sustainability (CDES) at Monash University and a Fellow of the Global Labor Organization (GLO).

Wanyi Chen

WISE & SOE of Xiamen University

I am currently an assistant professor of economics at Xiamen University.

My research interests are information economics and game theory.

Yu-Chang Chen

National Taiwan University

Yuteng Cheng

Bank of Canada

Aleksei Chernulich

Durham University

Andrew Chesher

University College London

Terry Cheung

Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica

Livia Chitu

European Central Bank

I am a Senior Economist in the Monetary Policy Directorate of the European Central Bank. I hold a PhD in economics from Paris School of Economics-Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne.

My research interests are mainly in international finance and monetary economics, with an emphasis on the international monetary and financial system. I am a co-author of How Global Currencies Work (Princeton University Press) with Barry Eichengreen and Arnaud Mehl.

Mayur Choudhary

London Business School

Costanza Cincotta

Norwegian School of Economics (NHH)

​I am a Ph.D. candidate in Business Economics at the Norwegian School of Economics and an Affiliate Research Scholar at Georgetown University McDonough School of Business in 2024.

My research focuses on applied microeconomics. I am particularly interested in Environmental and Energy Economics, Competition Economics, Government Subsidies and Politics.

Gwen-Jiro Clochard

Institute of Social and Economic Research - Osaka University

Federica Coelli

University of Zurich & EBRD

Nuno Coimbra

Banque de France

Eve Colson-Sihra

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Daniele Condorelli

University of Warwick

Marta Cota

Nova SBE

My research interests lie between Macroeconomics and Household Finance. I develop structural models encompassing individual expectation heterogeneity and heterogeneity in search frictions. My focus is on long-term saving and investment instruments in Household Finance.

Adrien Couturier


Alvaro Cox

Yale University/University of Oslo

Researcher - University of Oslo, 2024-25
Assistant Professor - Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), 2025-

Marco Cozzi

University of Victoria

Adriana Cristoiu

European Research Council (ERC)

Coordinator of the SH1 Panels (economics, finance, management) for Starting, Consolidator and Advanced Grant Calls.

The ERC, set up by the European Union in 2007, is the premier European funding organisation for excellent frontier research. It funds creative researchers of any nationality and age, to run projects based across European Member States or Associated Countries.

Cédric Crofils

Université Paris Dauphine PSL & AMSE

Wei Cui

UCL and Univ of Groningen

Ana P. Cusolito

World Bank