
Naoki Yago

The University of Cambridge

I am a PhD student in economics at the University of Cambridge. My research interests are macroeconomics, international macro and finance, monetary economics, and macro-finance. I enrolled in PhD Fund Internship Program at the International Monetary Fund in 2023. I will be on the job market in 2023-24.

Kazuharu Yanagimoto


I am a PhD student at CEMFI. My research fields are labor, macro, and especially family economics.

I will be on the Job Market in 2024-2025

Yuki Yao

University of Kent

Vitaliia Yaremko

Trinity College Dublin

I am an Assistant Professor in Economics at Trinity College Dublin. I work on topics in macroeconomics, comparative economics, and economic history. My recent work consists of designing and testing interventions using randomized controlled trials to study the effects of macroeconomic expectations of households and firms on their decisions. In another line of research, I study the role of Soviet institutions and policies in long-term economic performance.

Yosuke Yasuda

Osaka University

I am a theoretical economist with a strong interest in applications. My research primarily focuses on Game Theory, Market Design, and Industrial Organization. I have published papers in top economics journals, including AER, AEJ: Micro, JET, J Math Econ, and RAND Journal of Economics, as well as leading journals in other fields such as AAMAS, Artificial Intelligence, and Scientific Reports.

Sevcan Yesiltas

Koc University

Yabin Yin

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

My research interests are in the fields of development economics, environmental economics and political economy. My current works focus on the gender inequality associated with water in developing regions.

Motohiro Yogo

Princeton University

Dan Yu

University of Alberta

Xiaobo Yu

CU Boulder

Noam Yuchtman

University of Oxford

Kelvin Yuen

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)

Ipek Yukselen

Institute for Employment Research (IAB)

Yeonggyu Yun

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Hi, I am a PhD student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. I am interested in international macroeconomics.

Emircan Yurdagul

Universidad Carlos III