
Eliana La Ferrara

Harvard Kennedy School

Claudio Labanca

Monash University

Jean Lacroix

Université Paris Saclay

Nippe Lagerlöf

York University

Yu Ching Lam

Bocconi University

Ana Lamo

European Central Bank

Giacomo Lanzani

Massachusetts Institute Technology

Daniil Larionov

University of Münster

Kieran Larkin

IIES, Stockholm University

Birthe Larsen

Copenhagen Business School

Anne Sophie Lassen

Copenhagen Business School

Dario Laudati

Columbia University

Postdoctoral Research Scholar at Columbia University.
PhD in Economics from USC (University of Southern California).
Research interests in: Macroeconomics, Macro-Finance, Banking.

Maximiliano Lauletta

Federal Reserve Board

Volha Lazuka

University of Southern Denmark

Julia Le Blanc

European Commission, Joint Research Centre

Ségal Le Guern Herry

Sciences Po

Laura Lebastard

European Central Bank

Laura Lebastard is an economist in the Euro Area External Sector & Euro Adoption Division of the European Central Bank (ECB). She holds a PhD in Economics from University Paris-Saclay. Her research interests are mainly in international trade and international macroeconomics.

Changhwa Lee

University of Bristol

Marcos Lee

Rice University

Natalie Lee

University of Amsterdam

Seung Hoon Lee

Yonsei University

So Jin Lee

University of Mannheim

I am So Jin Lee, a PhD candidate at the University of Mannheim. My research interests lie in econometric theory and application, in topics related to systemic influence measure, systematic breakpoint detection, network analysis, and factor models.

Nils H. Lehr

International Monetary Fund

I am an economist at the International Monetary Fund specializing in economic growth, innovation, entrepreneurship, and technology adoption. My research combines quantitative economic modeling with rigorous empirical methods to illuminate the mechanisms driving innovation, entrepreneurship, and technology choices on a macro scale.

Wietse Leleu

KU Leuven

Pascale Lengagne


Francesca Leombroni

Bank of Italy

I am currently working at the regional office of the Bank of Italy in Cagliari as an economist, and my research interests lie at the intersection of Education and Labour Economics. I am particularly interested in the determinants of inequality and its effects on individual choices.

Chi Chong Angus Leong

University of Manchester

Stefan Leopold

University of Kiel

Marion Leroutier

Crest-Ensae; Institute for Fiscal Studies

I'm an environmental economist and an Assistant Professor at Crest-Ensae in Paris. Drop by my session "Labour Markets and the Environment" Tuesday 27 at 10:00 to find out how exposure to air pollution affects workers and firms!

Max Lesellier

University of Montreal

Antoine Levy

UC Berkeley Haas

Ro'ee Levy

Tel Aviv University

Erica X.N. Li

Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business

Haishi “Harry” Li

University of Hong Kong

Lintong Li

Peking University

Minghao Li

Peking University

Muxin Li


I am an economic research fellow at IGIER - Università Bocconi. My primary research interest is Industrial Organization, with a special focus on the digital economy.

Peiyuan Li

Duke Kunshan University

Shangen Li

University of Zurich

Shangshang Li

University of Liverpool

Shasha Li

IWH Halle & OVGU, Germany

I am a W1 Junior Professor at Leibniz Institute for Economic Research Halle (IWH) and Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg (OVGU) in Germany.

I mainly study the impact of technological change and information frictions on financing activities and their subsequent real economic impacts. I am particularly enthusiastic about bridging theoretical frameworks and empirical analysis in my work.

Wenli Li

Philadelphia Fed

Xiongfei Li

Duke University

I am an applied microeconomist with research interests in development economics and environmental economics. My research covers topics including birth policy change in China and women's labor outcomes, broadband internet and rural entrepreneurship, the trajectory of China's education returns, carbon policy coordination, and more. I received my PhD in Economics from USC in 2023, and I currently hold a postdoctoral associate position at Duke.

Yu Li

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Research Field: Asset Pricing, Macro-Finance

Ziang Li

Imperial College London

Zongyuan Li

University of Galway

My primary research lies in the fields of banking and real estate finance.

Avi Lichtig

University of Bonn

Osnat Lifshitz

Reichman University

Sijie Lin

University of Toronto

Yicong Lin

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Valentin Lindlacher

TU Dresden

I am an applied microeconomist interested in regional economics and voting behavior. My main fields are economics of digitization, development economics, and political economy. I focus on the effects of digital infrastructure, such as fixed-line and mobile internet and mobile telephony.

Melika Liporace

Tilburg University

Jessie Liu

Johns Hopkins University

Kaiqi Liu

Maastricht University

I am a PhD candidate in Economics at Maastricht University, Department of Microeconomics and Public Economics. My research areas include the economics of higher education, with a focus on competition among public, private non-profit, and private for-profit universities. I explore issues related to university ranking, student enrollment, and the impact of policy changes on the higher education market.

Ruixuan Liu

Chinese University of Hong Kong

Sining Liu

Soochow University

Yang Liu

Boston College

Zheng Liu

Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco

Zheng Liu is a Vice President of International Research and the Director of the Center for Pacific Basin Studies at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. His current research interests are macroeconomics, monetary economics, international finance, and the Chinese economy.

Juan Llavador Peralt


Joan Llull


Stefan Lobin

University of Mainz

I'm a Post-Doc at the chair of Corporate Finance at the University of Mainz. In April, I finished my PhD at the GSEFM (Graduate School of Economics Finance and Management) at the University of Frankfurt. Before starting my PhD I received a Bachelor and Master certificate from the University of Bonn.

My research focuses mainly on industrial organizations & innovations.

Rosanne Logeart

Paris School of Economics

Aaron Lohmann

IfW Kiel / University Bielefeld

Juan M. Londono

Federal Reserve Board

Etienne Lorang

Tilburg University

Romaine Loubes

Paris School of Economics

I am a PhD candidate at PSE working under the supervision of Prs. David Margolis and Ariell Reshef. I am interested in development, trade and labor economics, especially how firm and workers adapt to trade policy in developing countries. Another part of my recent work addresses the organizational consequences of trade liberalization.

Alexandros Loukas

Washington University in St, Louis

Matija Lozej

Central Bank of Ireland

Guojun Lu

Peking University

Yang K. Lu

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Jani Luoto

University of Helsinki

Davide Luparello

Penn State University

I am a Ph.D. student in Economics at the Pennsylvania State University.
I am an IO economist in training, and I use microdata and applied micro tools to answer questions related to firms productivity and market power.
I am also a Fellow at the Baffi Centre on Economics, Finance, and Regulation @ Bocconi University.

Chen Lyu

Peking University

Hi there! I'm Chen Lyu, an assistant professor at the HSBC Business School, Peking University. My main research interest is information design (broadly defined), especially with applications to digital platforms and industrial organization. I also study financial market design with a particular emphasis on the effect of market power of large traders. Happy to meet all of you at the conference! You are welcome to contact me at: