
Alena Wabitsch

University of Oxford

I am a PhD Candidate in Economics at the University of Oxford.

My interests cover Macroeconomic Expectations and Belief Formation, Monetary Policy Communication, and Information Choice.

Previously, I have worked at the ECB's Research Department and at the Deutsche Bundesbank.

Kenji Wada

National Taiwan University

Ulrich Wagner

University of Mannheim

Linqi Wang

University of Cambridge

Manchun Wang

Boston College

I am a PhD candidate in Economics from Boston College, with a specialization in macroeconomics and international macro.

Peng Wang

Business School, Sun Yat-Sen University

Shu Wang

University of Göttingen

Xi Wang

Jinan University

Xuan Wang

VU Amsterdam and Tinbergen Institute

Yenan Wang

University of Amsterdam

Yulong Wang

Syracuse University

Zheng Wang

NYU Abu Dhabi

Felix Ward

Erasmus School of Economics

Pablo Warnes

Aalto University

Giacomo Weber

Paris School of Economics and EHESS

I am a PhD candidate at Paris School of Economics and EHESS. I am interested in Bounded Rationality and Economic Theory. My research focuses on modeling strategic frameworks where agents are not cognitive rational. I find particularly exciting the theme of players forming beliefs in relation to categories and coarse perception of complex environments.

Matthias Weigand

Harvard University

David Weiss

Tel-Aviv University

Max Welz

Erasmus University Rotterdam

I'm a statistics PhD student at Erasmus University Rotterdam. My research interests are primarily in robust estimation and inference.

Adrian Wende

Institute for Advanced Studies Vienna

Peter Werner

Maastricht University

Nicolas Werquin

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

Ryan Westphal

Brandeis University

Julian Wichert

Leibniz University Hannover

Hi, I am a researcher and PhD student at the Leibniz University Hannover. My research lies at the intersection between development and environmental economics. I work with large and unique datasets using up-to-date econometric methods to develop interesting insights that have important policy implications.

I visited UC San Diego for an academic research stay in 2021-22.

In 2024/25, I will be on the academic job market.

Adrien Wicht

University of Basel

Verena Wiedemann

IFC & University of Oxford

I am an economist with the International Finance Corporation's Economic Research Unit (World Bank Group) and an academic visitor at the Department of Economics at the University of Oxford.
My research interest lies at the intersection of trade, production networks, firm dynamics, environment, and economic development.

Rasmus Wiese

University of Groningen

Frank Windmeijer

University of Oxford

Ronald Wolthoff

University of Toronto

Ashley Wong

Tilburg University

Florian Wozny

German Aerospace Center (DLR)

Roujing Wu

University of Bologna

I am a Ph.D. student in Economics at the University of Bologna. I am also affiliated with the International PhD College (Collegio Superiore) at the same university.

Xian Wu

University of Wisconsin - Madison

I am an Econ Ph.D. student from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. I am interested in finance, specifically focusing on market microstructure and macro-finance. I am on the 2024-2025 job market.

Conny Wunsch

University of Basel