
Mekdim D. Regassa


Mar Reguant

Northwestern University

Agoston Reguly

Corvinus University of Budapest

Ricardo Reis


Jasper Rennspies

University of Freiburg

Amalia Repele

Bocconi University

Anna Ressi

WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management

Hélène Rey

London Business School

Hélène Rey

London Business School

Andrew Rhodes

Toulouse School of Economics, Université Toulouse Capitole

Paul O. Richter


Chris Riddell

University of Waterloo

Arno Riedl

Maastricht University

Daniel Riera-Crichton

Bates College

Malte Rieth

Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Germany

Niels Rietveld

Erasmus School of Economics

Davide Rigo


I am a Leverhulme Early Career Fellow at the London School of Economics and a CESifo Network member.

I am currently leading a three-year research project (2022-2025) on the impact of work-from-home on the geography of workers, firms and innovation. My research relies on quantitative methods for causal inference and large-scale administrative data, including employer-employee matched data for Italy and France and nationally representative survey data (the Labour Force Survey) for European regions. I also work with web-scraped and online data sources, including online job vacancy postings and companies' technology adoption trends.

My main research interests lie at the intersection of economic geography and international economics, particularly focusing on the role of innovation and digitalisation in firms' growth dynamics, as well as on studying the foreign activities of multinational enterprises.

David Ritzwoller

Stanford GSB

Raul Riva

Northwestern University

PhD candidate at Northwestern University, focusing on asset pricing, econometrics, and macro-finance.

Jean Charles Rochet

Toulouse School of Economics

Alexander Rodivilov

Stevens Institute of Technology

Gabriel Rodriguez-Rondon

McGill University

Florian Roeser

University of Konstanz

Joost Roettger

Deutsche Bundesbank

Kirsten Rohde

Maastricht University

Eugenio Rojas

University of Florida

Magdalena Rola-Janicka

Imperial College London

Isabelle Roland

Bank of England

Dario A Romero

Abu Dhabi

Juan Pedro Ronconi

Universidad de los Andes, Chile

Maxwell Rong

Stanford University

Frank Rosar

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Giuseppe Rose

University of Calabria

Julia Rose

Erasmus University Rotterdam

Federico Rossi

University of Warwick

Pauline Rossi

CREST, Ecole polytechnique

Duncan Roth

Institute for Employment Research (IAB)

Thomas Michael Rowley

Bocconi University

Margarita Rubio

University of Nottingham

Margarita is an Associate Professor in Economics at the University of Nottingham. Previously, she held a full-time position at the Bank of Spain. She has also worked as a visiting researcher at the US Federal Reserve, the Deutsche Bundesbank, the Central Bank of Luxembourg, the National Bank of Poland, the Bank of Lithuania and the International Monetary Fund. She obtained her PhD in Economics in 2008 at Boston College (USA) with a dissertation entitled: "Housing Markets, Business Cycles and Monetary Policy". She also holds an M.Sc. in Economics with Distinction at the University College London.

Olga Rud

University of Stavanger

Jesper Rüdiger

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Felix Rusche

University of Mannheim

I am a PhD student at Uni Mannheim working in Applied Micro-Economics. My research spans Labor Economics, Development Economics, and Political Economy, with a particular interest in mass and social media.

Raffaella Sadun

Harvard Business School

Johanna Saecker

Goethe University Frankfurt

I am a research assistant at the Chair of Financial Markets and Macroeconomics and a PhD student at the Graduate School for Economics, Finance and Management at Goethe University Frankfurt. I am also a member of the Institute for Monetary and Financial Stability.

My research interests are macroeconomics, economics of the green transition and numerical methods.

Johan Sæverud

University of Copenhagen

Sarani Saha

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Mauricio Salgado-Moreno

Bank of England

Viola Salvestrini

Bocconi University and QMUL

Maximiliano San Millán

Central Bank of Chile

Marina Sanchez del Villar

European University Institute

I am a Ph.D. candidate in Economics at the European University Institute.
I study how technology and innovation affect the financial markets using industrial organization tools.

At the EEA, I am presenting a paper that studies the role of regulation in promoting the funding of new ventures.

Jesus Sanchez-Ibrahim

Universität Hamburg

Paolo Santini

Copenhagen Business School

Ph.D. Paris School of Economics. Postdoc Copenhagen Business School.

Felipe Santos-Marquez

TU Dresden

I am a doctoral candidate at the Chair of International Economics at TU Dresden. I graduated from the development economics master’s program at GSID Nagoya University in Japan. My research interests include machine learning applications, economic growth, remote sensing and trade. I also studied a 5-year physics BSc at the National University of Colombia. Other research interests include: opinion dynamics, applications of statistical mechanics, and network theory. Also, I cofounded the QuaRCS lab

Cisil Sarisoy

Federal Reserve Board

Elia Sartori

CSEF - Universita di Napoli Federico II

Tommaso Sartori

University of Essex

I am a Ph.D. candidate in Economics at the Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER) of the University of Essex.

My research revolves around the economics of education and, more broadly, labor economics.

Pari Sastry

Columbia Business School

Georg Sator

University of Nottingham

Sébastien Saurin

University of Orléans (LEO)

Aurélien Saussay

London School of Economics

Aurélien Saussay is an Assistant Professorial Research Fellow in the Grantham Research Institute at the London School of Economics. He currently holds a Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship (2022-2025). He will be visiting Harvard Kennedy School in the Fall Semester 2024.

His research focuses on the interaction between economic inequality and climate change mitigation policies, in order to address the social and political acceptance challenges that hamper the implementation of effective decarbonisation. He aims to estimate the impacts of climate change mitigation on economic agents empirically to help improve the design of decarbonisation policies,

Thiago Scarelli

University of Oxford

I am an applied economist, and my primary research areas are labor and development economics. My recent papers use microeconometrics and field experiments to study how financial stress can push workers to prioritize labor market choices that pay fast over options that pay more.

Florian Scheuer

University of Zurich

Florian Scheuer is the UBS Professor of Economics of Institutions at the University of Zurich and Chairman of the Department of Economics. He was previously on the faculty at Stanford University, a Visiting Professor at Harvard University and UC Berkeley, and a National Fellow at the Hoover Institution. He obtained his PhD in Economics from MIT in 2010. He is currently Director of the Review of Economic Studies and a member of the Board of Editors of the American Economic Review.

Caroline Schimanski

Pontifical Catholic University of Peru

David Schindler

Tilburg University

I am an Associate Professor in the Economics department at Tilburg University, primarily interested in behavioral & experimental economics, economic history, and personnel economics.

With my research, I seek to understand how insights from behavioral economics influence behavior in questions of public policy, political economy, and firm organization. In the past, I have predominantly used secondary data, as well as laboratory & field experiments.

Ioana Schiopu

ESADE Business School

Marco Schito


Lennard Schlattmann

University of Bonn

W. Benedikt Schmal

Ilmenau University of Technology

I am a Postdoc in competition economics, economics of science, and quantitative economics at Ilmenau University of Technology.

Previously, I have been a research group lead at Walter Eucken Institute. I hold a PhD in economics from the DICE at Heinrich Heine University (HHU). I am genuinely interested in the managerial economics of science, open access, and academic publishing.

Aiko Schmeißer

Berlin School of Economics, University of Potsdam

Robert Schmidt

University of Hagen

Philip Schnattinger

Bank of England

Researcher at the Bank of England (Monetary Analysis)
PhD from the University of Oxford
Austrian Citizen

Paul Schneider

USI Lugano and SFI

Sebastian O. Schneider

MPI Collective Goods, Bonn

Philip Schnorpfeil

Goethe University Frankfurt

Felix Schönenberger

USI Lugano

As a postdoctoral researcher in applied microeconomics, my primary field of interest is empirical political economy, focusing on electoral competition, accountability, and voter turnout. My research studies how strategic considerations of voters and candidates shape political behavior and ultimately public policy.

At the Congress, I will present my JMP on how reelection concerns induce strategic policy moderation among U.S. House incumbents.

Christofer Schroeder

European Central Bank

Max Schroeder

Durham University

I am an economist working at the intersection of Macro- and Labour Economics. My research explores the relationships between opportunities, wealth, and human capital. To this end, I develop empirically relevant quantitative economic models and bring them to the data using calibration and estimation methods.

Simeon Schudy

Ulm University and CESifo

Jan Schymik

University of Mannheim

Alessandro Scopelliti

KU Leuven