
Jon Hoddenbagh

Johns Hopkins University

Michal Hodor

Tel Aviv University

Eran Hoffmann

Hebrew University

Antonia Hohmann

University of Muenster

I am a PhD candidate at the Institute for Public and Regional Economics at the University of Münster and part of the Research School of International Taxation. My research interests are in applied microeconomics, with a particular focus on personal and corporate income taxation.

Pär Holmberg


Pär Holmberg is Associate Professor in Economics and has a Ph.D. in Electric Power Engineering. Both degrees are from Uppsala University (dissertations in 2000 and 2005). He is a Senior Research Fellow of IFN in Stockholm and an associate of Energy Policy Research Group (EPRG), University of Cambridge, and Program on Energy and Sustainable Development (PESD), Stanford University.

Maren Holthe Hedne

University of Oslo

PhD student in economics at the University of Oslo. Visited LSE during the academic year 2023/2024. My research interests are environmental economics, labour and trade. My job market paper studies the skill-bias of green technological change, using detailed administrative data and a novel identification strategy. I will be on the 2024/2025 European job market.

Ju Yeong Hong

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Daniela Horta Saenz


Laura Hospido

Banco de España

I am an advisor to the Secretary of State for Economy and Business Support, at the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Commerce and Business. I am also a Senior Economist at the DG Economics, Statistics, and Research of the Banco de España. I joined IZA as a Research Affiliate in 2006 and as a Research Fellow in 2013. Since January 2023, I am a BdE-CEMFI Research Associate. My research interests include earnings dynamics, wage inequality, labour supply, gender economics, and financial competences.

Klajdi Hoxha

Stanford Graduate School of Businees

I am a 3rd year PhD candidate in Economics at Stanford Graduate School of Business. My work is at the intersection of mechanism design and markets for information goods.

Chih-Sheng Hsieh

National Taiwan University

Audrey Hu

City University of Hong Kong

En Hua Hu


Xiao Hu

Department of Economics, Stockholm School of Economics

Yuxiao Hu


​I am a Ph.D. candidate in Economics at the London School of Economics (LSE). I hold a Master's degree in Economics from the University of Chicago.

My passion lies in studying the impacts of ​ environmental policies in the context of climate change and natural disasters. By leveraging empirical strategies, structural models, and engineering models, I hope my research helps to design the optimal environmental policy solutions for those challenges.

My research covers China, sub-Saharan African countries, and the United States.

​​In my job market paper, I study the benefits and costs of a flood risk redistribution policy that protects urban areas at the cost of harming rural counties. Specifically, I integrate hydrological models into economic analysis.

Ching-I Huang

National Taiwan University

Ji Huang

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Jiantao Huang

University of Hong Kong

Ruobing Huang

ETH Zurich

Yangguang Sunny Huang

HK University of Science & Technology

Patrick Hufschmidt

Technical University of Dortmund

Albert Jan Hummel

University of Amsterdam

Maximilian Huppertz

Bank of England

I am a Research Economist at the Bank of England. I study the impact of climate change on firms and trade. I have also worked on the effect of information frictions on supply chains. I use reduced-form and machine learning methods to identify causal relationships, and combine those with structural models to understand equilibrium and policy implications. I received my PhD from the University of Michigan in 2024.

Muzammil Hussain

University of Siegen

Jakob Hußmann

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Tran Huynh

Friedrich Schiller University Jena

Rustam Ibragimov

Imperial College Business School, New Economic School and the Centre for Econometrics and Business Analytics (

Klea Ibrahimi

Central European University

Yoko Ibuka

Keio University

Yoko Ibuka, a health economist, focuses on understanding how people’s everyday decisions shape health. Before her current role as a Professor of Economics at Keio University, Ibuka held academic positions at several institutions, including Yale School of Public Health, Hitotsubashi University, and Tohoku University. She earned her PhD in Economics from Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.

Sota Ichiba

Tilburg University

Nicole Immorlica

Microsoft Research

Yuko Imura

Bank of Canada

Kazuma Inagaki

University of Rochester

Konstantinos Ioannidis

University of Cambridge

I am a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Cambridge. I am part of the Leverhulme International Professorship in Neuroeconomics Lab lead by professor Peter Bossaerts. Our focus is on how computational complexity affects decision making and how markets can help individuals solve complex problems. I am also interested the dichotomy between honest and dishonest communication, and habit formation.

Miguel A Iraola

Miami Herbert Business School, University of Miami

Niklas Isaak

RWI - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research

Anni Isojärvi

Federal Reserve Board

Beata Itin-Shwartz

Bar-Ilan University

Ria Ivandic

University of Zagreb, London School of Economics

Lusine Ivanov-Davtyan


I am currently a Ph.D. candidate and Junior Researcher at CERGE-EI in Prague, Czech Republic, specializing in applied economics. My research areas are Development Economics and Gender Economics, with a specific focus on assessing the ways conflicts impact households in developing countries, unraveling the social, and political consequences.

Ranae Jabri

University of Sydney

Ivan Jaccard

European Central Bank

Tim Jackson

University of Liverpool

Nikolai Jäger

DIW / MCC Berlin

Kevin R. James

London School of Economics

Kevin R. James is an economist in the Systemic Risk Centre at the London School of Economics (

Moritz Janas

New York University Abu Dhabi

Ole Jann


Simon Jantschgi

University of Oxford

I'm a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Oxford's Department of Economics, a Non-Stipendiary Research Fellow at Nuffield College, and a member of the Zurich Center for Market Design.
I focus on market design and microeconomic theory, emphasizing how they can be applied to real-world markets. Recently, I've been fascinated by the design of financial markets and online trading platforms, and creating fair and efficient ways to (re)allocate indivisible goods. For a bit of fun, I also apply game theory to sports like football and tennis.

Luis F. Jaramillo

University of Maryalnd

Marek Jasinski

University of Oslo/Statistics Norway

Jonas Jessen


Guohui Jiang

University of Zurich

5th-year PhD student

Rafael Jimenez

Bocconi University

Chuqing Jin

Toulouse School of Economics

Hongyuan Jin

University of California, Santa Barbara

Leticia Juarez

Inter-American Development Bank

Christian Julliard

London School of Economics

Kathrin Kaestner

RWI - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research

Hiroaki Kaido

Boston University

Matthias Kaldorf

Deutsche Bundesbank

Maren Kaliske

University of Duisburg-Essen

Iryna Kaminska

Bank of England

Samuel Kang

University of St. Gallen

I am an applied econometrician with a focus on crime and family policies, currently in the 3rd year of my PhD at the University of St. Gallen. My advisor is Professor Beatrix Eugster.

My research uses administrative and self-collected data to study the role of community institutions on household and neighborhood dynamics. My work also contributes to the development of non-parametric causal inference methods in quasi-experimental settings.

Takashi Kano

Hitotsubashi University

Carolina Kansikas

University of Warwick

Diego R. Känzig

Northwestern University

Otto Kässi

Etla Economic Research

Lorant Kaszab

Central Bank of Hungary

On the EEA 2024 I present about the connection between endogenous growth and asset prices.

Mitsuru Katagiri

Hosei University

Omar Kaykhusraw

King's College London

Ambrus Kecskes

Schulich School of Business at York University

Geoff Kenny

European Central Bank

Toygar Kerman

Corvinus University of Budapest

Anke Kessler

Simon Fraser University

Yonas Khanna

VU Amsterdam/ING Bank

Alireza Khoshghadam

Jönköping University

Ken Kikkawa

University of British Columbia

Chi Hyun Kim

University of Bonn

Deborah Kim

University of Warwick