
Carole Marullaz

University of Zurich

I am a third-year PhD Student in Economics at the University of Zurich. My main research interest lies at the intersection between macroeconomics and environmental economics, with a particular focus on the macroeconomic implications of the energy transition.

Christian Maruthiah

Trinity College Dublin

I hold a Ph.D. in Economics from CEMFI. I will join Trinity College Dublin and the Centre for Economics, Policy and History in September 2024.

I work on topics related to Economic History, Political Economy, and Development Economics. I am particularly interested in studying the effectiveness of government policy in generating cultural change and reshaping ethnic identities.

Alfonso Maselli

University of Pennsylvania

Daniele Massacci

King's College London

Mauro Mastrogiacomo

De Nederlandsche Bank

Camilla Mastromarco

University of Calabria

Hidehiko Matsumoto

Keio University

Ella Mattinen

Tampere University, FIT

Damien Mayaux

Paris School of Economics

Maximilian Mayer

IWH Halle

Juan Camilo Medellín

Paris School of Economics

I am an incoming Assistant Professor at Universidad del Rosario School of Economics.

Currently, I am a Ph.D. Candidate in the macro group at the Paris School of Economics.

I combine theory and microeconometrics to answer macro-financial questions. I am interested in understanding how, subject to regulatory and institutional environments, optimal and heterogeneous firm decisions impact macro aggregates. In particular, my research comprehends the unintended consequences of regulation and policy making on the (under)development of emerging markets' financial systems.

Valentina Melentyeva

Tilburg University

Blaise Melly

University of Bern

Manuel Menkhoff

ifo Institute & LMU Munich

Dominik Menno

Deutsche Bundesbank

Dominik Menno is an Economist in the Financial Stability Division of the Deutsche Bundesbank. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the European University Institute and his research interests are Quantitative Macroeconomics, Financial Frictions and the Macroeconomy, Financial Stability and Macroprudential Policy, and International Macroeconomics. Prior to the Deutsche Bundesbank he worked at BaFin in banking supervision and was Assistant Professor at Aarhus University. He held post-doc positions at RWTH Aachen, University of Mannheim, and University of Michigan.

Roman Merga


Jaanika Meriküll

Bank of Estonia / University of Tartu

I am a research economist studying labour economics, household finance, economic policy, and financial stability. Currently serving as a Senior Economist at the Bank of Estonia and Associate Professor at the University of Tartu, I have studied labour market dynamics and the economic implications of inequalities in Estonia and the broader European context.

Lena Merkel

German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA)

Ayşe Gül Mermer

Tilburg University

Elmar Mertens

Deutsche Bundesbank

Elmar Mertens is a senior economist at the Research Centre of the Deutsche Bundesbank in Frankfurt, Germany. Prior to joining the Bundesbank in 2018, he has worked for a year at the Bank for International Settlements (Basel, Switzerland) and eight years at the Federal Reserve Board (Washington, D.C.). At the Federal Reserve, he was involved in devising policy alternatives and their communication as well as the empirical analysis of economic conditions. He is an associate editor of the Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking.

A common theme of his research is the interplay between macroeconomic dynamics and the formation of expectations. His econometric research is often concerned with time-varying dynamics, for example due to time-varying volatilities, changes in the behaviour of trends and cycles, or the effective lower bound on nominal interest rates.

Martí Mestieri


Robert Metcalfe

Columbia University

Jean-Baptiste Michau

Ecole Polytechnique

Professor of macroeconomics at Polytechnique, Paris.

Roxana Mihet

University of Lausanne and Swiss Finance Institute

Assistant professor of finance

Andrej Mijakovic

European University Institute

Keaton Miller

University of Oregon

Leonard Missbach

Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC)

Indrajit Mitra

Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Mrdjan Mladjan

EBS Business School

I strive to acquire, create, share, and apply knowledge about markets and people in them.

I received my PhD in Economics, Finance, and Management from Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, and BSc in Economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. I am a Senior Lecturer of Financial Economics at the EBS Business School in Wiesbaden.

I research and teach in the areas of corporate finance and valuation, economics of financial crises, and interactions between economic and financial system and society.

Jolan Mohimont

National Bank of Belgium

My research interests include the analysis of monetary and macroprudential policies and the fluctuations in commodity prices and their macroeconomic consequences.

Sophia Möller

University Kassel

Niclas Moneke

University of Oxford

Léopold Monjoie

University Paris Dauphine - Psl

Lasse Mononen

Bielefeld University

Win Monroe

Imperial College London Business School

I am a PhD Candidate in Finance at Imperial College Business School.

My research focuses on central banking, financial intermediation, liquidity, and financial stability.

I will be on the 2024/2025 Job Market.

Jose L. Moraga

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Marta Morando

London School of Economics (LSE)

Massimo Morelli

Bocconi University

Russell Morton

Yale University

Petra Moser

New York University Stern School of Business

I'm a Professor of Economics at NYU Stern. My research combines methods from economic history and applied microeconomics to examine the determinants of creativity and innovation.

I study the behavior of inventors, composers, writers, and scientists from the 19th century to today to figure out what makes people creative, what encourages firms to take the risks that are inherent in innovation, and what types of institutions encourage people to do their best work.

Lira Mota


Arieda Muco

Central European University

Rohit Reddy Muddasani

Vienna University of Economics and Business

Manuel A. Muñoz

Spanish Treasury

Mathilde Munoz


Laura Muñoz-Blanco

University of Exeter

I am an Assistant Professor (Lecturer) at the University of Exeter Business School.

I am an applied economist interested in development economics and applied microeconometrics. I am passionate about understanding the interaction between forced displacement and gender-social cohesion outcomes.

Dilnoza Muslimova

Erasmus University Rotterdam

Mirlind Mustafa

University of Oldenburg

Konuray Mutluer


Willi Mutschler

University Tübingen

Lea Nagel

Stanford University

David Nagy

CREI, UPF & Barcelona GSE

Anton Nakov

European Central Bank

Anton Nakov is a macroeconomist specializing in central banking and monetary policy. At the European Central Bank, Nakov has been a Senior / Principal Economist in the Monetary Policy Research Division since 2013. Prior to this, he worked as an Economist at the Bank of Spain and at the Board of Governors of the US Federal Reserve System. He completed his doctoral studies in Economics at Universitat Pompeu Fabra in 2007 and is a Fellow of the Centre for Economic Policy Research.

Tommaso Nannicini

Bocconi University

Elisa Navarra

Université Libre de Bruxelles, ECARES

Matthew Naylor

University of Oxford

Ioana Neamtu

Bank of England

Kyriakos Neanidis

University of Manchester

Kyriakos received his PhD degree from the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee and joined the University of Manchester in 2004. His early research activity has covered a wide range of theoretical and empirical topics in development macro, with focus on issues that relate to economic growth, fiscal policy, and foreign aid. More recently, he has focused on examining the implications of monetary and macroprudential policies on bank and non-bank lending including their effects on the real economy.

Peter Neis


I am a postdoctoral researcher in economics at the Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches sur le Développement International (CERDI).

My research interests are focused on Development Economics, Law & Economics and Applied Microeconometrics.

Broadly, I am interested in understanding how judiciaries around the world (with a particular focus on India) influence (economic) development.

Specifically, I am fascinated by questions related to the role of the judicial system in societies. How do formal and informal legal institutions interact? What is the interplay between judicial systems and other branches of government? Can the judicial system fill the void left by inactive legislators on many topics? And how does this impact development?

Tsvetelina Nenova

London Business School

Guillaume Nevo

New York University

Whitney Newey

MIT Economics

Thao Trang Nguyen

UNU-MERIT, Maastricht University

Guangyu Nie

Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

Guangyu Nie (聂光宇) is Professor and Head of Trade and Financial Openness Research Group at College of Business, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (SUFE), China.
His fields of specialty include macroeconomics, international finance and computational methods. Recent work focuses on incomplete market models, financial frictions, financial openness and capital flows, and global solution methods for DSGE models.

Torben Heien Nielsen

University of Copenhagen, Dpt. Economics

Kalin Nikolov

European Central Bank

Dingchen Ning

University of St Gallen

Volker Nocke

University of Mannheim

Volker Nocke is Professor of Economics at the University of Mannheim, holding the Chair in Microeconomics. Previously, he has held full-time faculty positions at the University of California, Los Angeles, and the Universities of Oxford and Pennsylvania. Volker has broad research interests within the fields of Industrial Organization and International Trade. He has published in leading academic journals and is an elected Fellow of the Econometric Society and the European Economic Association.

Ingmar Nolte

Lancaster University

Ingmar Nolte is Professor of Finance & Econometrics at Lancaster University. His research interests lie in the areas of financial econometrics, asset pricing, market microstructure and forecasting. His current research focuses on i) the construction of volatility estimators, jump and drift burst detection using high-frequency data and point process models; ii) factor investing with the aim to improve the information content of factors; and iii) the market microstructure of option markets and the estimation of risk-neutral densities using high-frequency option data.

Ana Nuevo-Chiquero

Universidad Autonoma de Madrid

Rafael Nunes Teixeira

University of Amsterdam

Sergio Ocampo

University of Western Ontario

Florens Odendahl

Banco de España

Atsushi Ohyama

Hitotsubashi University

Florentine Oliveira

Paris School of Economics

Sander Onderstal

University of Amsterdam

Pinchuan Ong

National University of Singapore

Pinchuan Ong is an Assistant Professor at the National University of Singapore (NUS) Business School, Strategy and Policy Department. His research interests are in labor and public economics. His current research explores determinants of labor supply of individuals, including the labor supply disincentives of having to pay child support (child maintenance), how the labor supply response to taxation differs from the response to wage changes, and how automation affects labor supply.

Ekaterina Oparina


I am Research Economist in the Centre for Economic Performance at the London School of Economics, and Research Associate at the Wellbeing Research Centre of the University of Oxford. I work on topics that contribute to creating a happier and better-functioning society.

My primary fields are Health Economics, Economics of Wellbeing, and Behavioural Economics. My secondary fields are Applied Econometrics, Microeconomics, and Policy Evaluation.